RuZZia invaded Ukraine (updated in Aug)

On the 24th of February, ruzzia attacked Ukraine at 5 AM, first they bombed military and infrastructure objectives all around the country and then broke borders into three areas: North, East and South. For this act of aggression, they used the cynic lie as a reason. Here is more detailed explanation. After they faced strong resistance, which they were not expecting, ruzzia started launching missiles and dropping bombs at everything they could. Their goal is to destroy infrastructure, cause panic, casualties don't matter.

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Cubase Generic Remote - all options on one page

Generic Remote is an empty MIDI mapping for some MIDI Controller. Mapping means that you press some button on a MIDI controller, and a DAW does some action, like track creation or playing from the beginning. You can make even notes like D2 or A4 to start the playback (Useful with PADs MIDI controllers like Akai MPD218 or CMD DC-1). The purpose of this article is to help a user with searching of necessary item (ctrl+f in browser) and make it easy to find out if some desired functionality is available.

Also, it is possible to make a midi controller to control whichever track is focused. You can assign the chosen fader to Mixer > Selected > Volume. Be sure to tick Pick-up in the flags column

Cubase Generic Remote Post Picture
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Serum vs. Vital VST comparison

Everything that you need to know about Serum VS Vital. I didn't compare available options in effects. Leave your feedback in the comments, if you wish. I'll improve the article.

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How I see a musician's career: philosophy and mindset (p.1)

Every producer has to develop his workflow. However, people have very different personalities, music and life backgrounds so there is no 100% working recipe to become a successful producer. Everyone should find their own way. This article is going to be about my experience and ideas on how to work efficiently. Starting from the mindset, ending with the technical tips. Most of this works for me but some advice I haven't implemented yet, I will though. Changes take time, mind has inertia.

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Production in Cubase - the list of official and unofficial streams, promos

Here is a video list where producers are making music in Cubase. Leave more links in comments (no reg), I'll add them. Vote for your favourite stream and I will sort them accordingly.

Cubase Streams
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All of Cubase preferences on one page

So many times I was getting annoyed when I had tried to find something in Preferences. The last one search was for the automatic track-color applying. It appears that Googling is faster than actual search in Preferences. So I decided to make this page. The next time when you need something, come directly to this page, smash Ctrl + F in you browser and type whatever you need to find. Use this place as a reference for other users. Every heading has an url, copy its link if you need to share something.

Cubase' online manual is too much atomized and devided into parts, so I don't find it to be convenient. It looks like its main purpouse is to be print-friendly. No pictures, no examples. To not get oudated quickly.

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Cubase shortcuts, macros and tips (with gif examples)

We might take for granted the ability to modify shortcuts. But not every DAW has this feature*. Luckily Cubase is not one of them and you can set a hotkey for literally anything. If there is no something that you want, there is a big chance to create a macro, that consists of smaller tasks and is able to do what you need. It is better to overcome brain laziness and learn hotkeys from the very beginning, Cubase don't spam with UI elements and gets some hate from point-and-click lovers for that. I think using hotkeys pays back pretty quick and gives you feeling like you operate a star ship, that flies you to your imaginary song instead of distracting your brain with necessity to search the right button on the screen.

Cubase Shortcuts
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Cubase Logical Editor

! toggle time base you can set hot key for project logical editor scenario Most of the time you will perform your MIDI editing graphically in one of the MIDI editors. But there are times when you want more of a “search and replace” function on MIDI data, and that’s where the Logical Editor comes in.

This is the text version of series of videos on YouTube.

Cubase Logical Editor
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Modern list of websites for musicians

The list of music related web-sites, loops vendors, news, blogs, plugin developers, stores and some all-time useful articles.

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